Early Careers

Be one of a kind, not just one of the crowd

Supported. Challenged. Developed.

When you are at the beginning of your career, you need an employer that can both challenge you and support you. This is where we think Duck Creek excels. From Day One, you’ll work on real projects that add value to clients. We provide support, training, mentoring and coaching at every step of the way. You’ll love it!

  • 8-12 week summer internships
  • Established mentoring & buddy programs
  • Socials, Lunch ‘n Learn sessions and Executive talks
  • Complete and present your ‘Moonshot’ Project
  • Join us as a full-time graduate
Support in our team

What is a Moonshot Project?

Moonshot Projects are all about dreaming big: being super ambitious, daring and innovative. As part of your internship, you’ll be encouraged to think about big ideas that can make a difference to the whole of Duck Creek – because it is better to aim high and fall short, than never to try at all. It’s an attitude that we all share. #lifeatduckcreek

Explore our culture

When we say ‘Dive in to Duck Creek’, we really mean it. An internship is your chance to get beneath the surface and explore. You can start right now. Watch this video for a glimpse into your Duck Creek experience.

What can you learn about during your Internship?

You can learn about all sorts of things during your Internships – and no two Internships are exactly the same. But because we focus on undergraduates in Computer Science and Engineering, we ensure that you gain insight into technology and how we use it.

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Jenna Powers,

Software Engineering Intern,  University of Wisconsin-Madison
I chose DCT because I loved the supportive and energy-driven environment that Duck Creek seemed to create with its employees. It will be a great opportunity to work in a globally scaled team of innovative thinkers.

Andrew McKinney,

Software Engineering Intern
What I enjoyed most about Duck Creek was that my time was valued. I was able to contribute to critical projects over the course of my internship. If I had any questions or got stuck, my coworkers were also happy to lend a hand.

Allison Green,

Software Engineering Intern
Advice I would give to entry-level talent is don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid to mess up or ask questions. Also, open you ears up and listen to what others at the company have to say. You can learn a lot from the people around you and in turn after listening to them you will also know more about that area of the company.

Adam Sammakia,

Software Engineering Intern
I started working at Duck Creek in the summer of 2021 in DevOps. I loved the internship because of the quality of the teams and the depth of work that I was exposed to here.  So I chose to extend the internship over my final semester of college and accepted a full time position at Duck Creek after I graduate!

Ready to dive in yet?

We have many global opportunities available.