Brylianze was founded by veterans and strategic visionaries of the insurance technology space whose company goal is to transition insurance companies to the technology platforms of the future.
Brylianze was founded by veterans and strategic visionaries of the insurance technology space whose company goal is to transition insurance companies to the technology platforms of the future. This includes a stable, modern core systems platform, followed by data, user experience, AI, and predictive analytics platforms.
Our founder’s experience goes back to the early days of Duck Creek, and our implementation experiences surrounding the technology are all-encompassing. We are strong believers in Duck Creek’s technology as a core platform to take our industry forward.
Brylianze services are tailored for all phases of a core platform rollout: initial implementation (planning, analysis, and architecture), ongoing implementation (development, testing, product rollout) and post-implementation (maintenance and insurtech integration).
Brylianze is dedicated to helping the insurance industry thrive during an incredible period of change. Our “All Shore” resource model allows top resources to be deployed anywhere in the world and in almost any time zone.
We have high standards for integrity, and we will always give you straight pricing and realistic estimates.