

The FICO® Cyber Risk Score is an empirical score that relies on a comprehensive and diverse set of cybersecurity data signals, collected at an Internet scale, to determine the risk profile and posture of any organization. These signals reflect key risk indicators including the health and hygiene of IT systems, network infrastructure, and software and services. These current and historical data signal behaviors are compared to past behaviors of organizations that have, and have not, suffered a material data breach.

Together, this information is used to train a machine learning model that produces a risk score that forecasts the likelihood of a future breach event in the next 12 months.

FICO® Cyber Risk Score utilizes time-series observations associated with the internet-facing assets on your network. These risk indicators are augmented with corporate demographic details and compiled cyber risk information. Rather than simply inventorying temporal vulnerabilities or issues, these indicators are used, in aggregate, to help form an understanding of network hygiene practices, consistency in policy, and the network management track record of an organization.

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FICO Cyber Risk Score Overview


Cyber Risk Quantification Vendor Analysis FICO


The Science of Cybersecurity Predictive Analytics


Measure Twice, Cut Once


Visibility into enterprise security behaviors to mitigate future potential failures

An empirically derived benchmark for cyber risk, rather than an opinion-based ranking

Global-scale with the ability to assess the security posture of an organization within seconds

Always-on data collection enables immediate availability for continuous monitoring


API Integration to seamlessly enable FICO Cyber Risk Score visibility to Duck Creek Policy Module users

Only DUNS and Domain information of organization input necessary in order to generate FICO Cyber Risk Score profile

Configurable alerts and thresholds enabled to alert underwriters in the underwriting process of an organization’s cybersecurity risk


The FICO® Cyber Risk Score is the only score based on a forward-looking predictive model that leverages a data-driven and empirically derived assessment of cybersecurity risk

Insurers, Brokers, Vendor Managers and CRO’s depend on the FICO Cyber Risk Score to assess and quantify an organization’s cybersecurity risk

Category Leader for Cyber Risk Quantification Solutions, awarded by Chartis Analyst firm for 2019 and 2020.