
Demystifying Smoke from Wildfire Risk with Tim Greene of Verisk


with Tim Greene |

Jun 13, 2023

About This Episode

On this episode of Conversations on the Creek, Zach May fills in as host to chat with Tim Greene of Verisk about wildfire risk and the role of smoke damage, and how advances in new data sources can help insurers better manage the risk.


00:13 Zach May:

From Duck Creek Technologies, it’s Conversations on the Creek, the podcast where we interview thought leaders about how the latest insurtech is transforming the P&C insurance industry. Whether you work in underwriting, sales and marketing, claims, or an insurer’s IT department, and each episode, we uncover the insights you need to create the future of insurance.

Hello, listeners, I’m Zack May. I’ll be filling in for Rob Savitsky as your host today. In today’s episode, we are so pumped to be joined by Tim Greene, a meteorologists and product and analytics manager from Verisk, who will share his perspectives on wildfire risk, and the role of smoke damage and how advances and new data sources can help insurers manage the risk.

Verisk is a leading strategic data analytics and technology partner to the global insurance industry. Hello, Tim. Welcome to the show. How are you today?

01:08 Tim Greene:

Hey Zach, I’m pretty good. Thanks for having me on the podcast today.

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